EC Student Story: Aubrie

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EC Student Story: Aubrie

Aubrey Grade 3   What do you love about EC? It is a Christian school and we get to worship God everyday. I love going to chapel every Tuesday because it’s a time that I get to learn about God and we worship God through song together. In what ways have you grown in your…

EC Student Story: Tara

Tara Grade 12 I came to EC when I was in 7th grade. The decision to leave the familiarity of my old school was very difficult for me. At my old school, a public school in town, I felt a piece missing in my education. I was a dedicated student who worked hard in school…

Spiritual Emphasis Week 2020

Eastern Christian High School is looking forward to our 2020 Spiritual Emphasis Week from Monday, January 27 through Friday, January 31. We are going to start the semester off right with a week of special chapels, focus groups with local pastors, praise and worship, prayer groups, and student testimonies. We are blessed to have Pastor…

Student Goals for 2020!

The beginning of a new year usually sparks people to think about starting fresh and setting goals or resolutions for the year ahead. This is true at Eastern Christian Elementary School too! In recent weeks, many teachers encouraged their students to think about goals they could work toward in 2020. As you walk through the…

EC Honors Choir Carnegie Hall Performance- Through Their Eyes

Our Honors Choir recently had the opportunity to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City as part of a Christmas concert. We asked the Honors Choir "extended family" to share this amazing experience through their own eyes. Here are some responses: "From my perspective, it was wonderful to give our students the opportunity to…

Prayer Summit at EC

Partnership between the church, home, and school is what drives EC in its mission. In December, EC held its first prayer summit to bring together members from each of these groups and discuss how we can best promote spiritual growth in our students. More than 65 participants--made up of roughly equal numbers of pastors, parents,…

Exhibiting Compassion to our Neighbors

Many of you are aware of the fire that occurred in early December at Most Blessed Sacrament in Franklin Lakes. The fire destroyed the church and many were left heartbroken; memories of weddings, baptisms, and watching children grow and worship God left holes in the hearts of many parishioners. This devastation provided our Wyckoff Campus…

EC Beefsteak 101

If you're like me, you had never heard of a "Beefsteak" before joining the EC Community. If you're like me, as soon as you experience this weird, wonderful opulent feast, you will never want to miss another. History The Beefsteak is a hyper-local tradition (wikipedia). Started by our friends in Brooklyn in the mid 1800's,…

Super Saturdays are Back for 2020!

EC Super Saturdays are back! Last year's Super Saturdays were a huge hit with all who attended. Now they're back in 2020: For Free! Winter weekends in frigid NJ can be difficult for young students. As parents, we know all too well that movement matters, but it's difficult to get up and get moving when…

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